a lil' bit of everythin'

Monday, January 23, 2006

Okay. So I am a huge astrology freak. Well… there’s that. You get to know another facet of my quirky personality. Now don’t misconstrue the word freak. I don’t really believe in this how-suns-and-planets-rule-your-life thing but then you would find it damn interesting and a decent and exciting way to pass your time when you’re utterly or completely bored, when you just don’t feel like switching on your stereo, and you’ve already played the guitar for like hours and have no inclination to touch that instrument for another few days, and the television as usual is showing gibberish and you’ve already surfed the internet for an hour or so and everything is so uneventful that even the world wide web fails to sustain your interest. Oh yeah, and you don’t really feel like reading a heavy book because your cortical cells are too exhausted and as for the light teen romance ones, you just possess one of them ( since you consider it beyond your intellectual level to own even one but still have one for these bloody moments) well… as for teen novels, you’ve read that particular story so many times that you practically know the scenes by heart, and the same is the case with the light comedy dvds, which you’ve practically seen a million times. These are the times when I take out my zodiac collection and browse through them.

Now as for my zodiac sign. It is pretty obvious. Which sign is as quirky as I am all the time? Aquarius.

Yes that’s what my zodiac is. The water bearer. Hang on a sec. Water bearer definitely does not imply the people who serve you water in restaurants. ; ).

Though I’m not exactly fanatical about what these signs have to say I do believe that they have an iota of truth in them. In fact almost everyone I know has some traits that identify them to their zodiac. Of course you cant expect yourself to be absolutely what your zodiac foretells you to be. Its because your character traits are guided by all the various planets, the sun and the moon. Infact each of the nine planets, the sun and the moon guide various aspects of your life and personality and hence you are the person you are. Isn’t it interesting? It will be even more fun when you get a hang on to the concept of the other stuff.



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