Boring, drag, dull all these words are pretty common in our verbose lives. For everyday we encounter several such situations that we find so mega boring that it even scares our sleep away. But then we also see a certain brand of these people who sit straight (so straight that it makes us wander whether our bio books are right about our spinal cords being curved) there eyes sparkling with interest and who are simply bubbling with enthusiasm while you can barely keep your eyes open and probably cant sleep because your chair is too uncomfortable. And you sit there thinking of ways to get out of that place without anybody else noticing ( that is if you haven’t fallen asleep already).
So all of us have landed ourselves in such situations quite a few times. Sometimes when I get bored, the only thing that keeps me vigilant is the amusement I garner from the enthusiastic lot. I observe them, their every subtle nuance and try to fathom the cause behind such mental energy. Sometimes I emulate them and pretend to gaze ahead. I nod my head vigorously sometimes ( something I learnt from one of my friends, I think quite a few of you know whom I am talking about) and then languid and fatigued I transgress to my original position.
So what I intend to say is that attention spans differ from individual to individual. There are people who can listen to your nonsensical stuff for hours without showing the remotest degree of fatigue and there are some who get so impatient that you regret having started the conversation ( for what’s as bad as an unfinished convo ). So as I was saying, these are the two extreme forms. In between lies the moderate ones whose attention spans again vary. The clinical diagnosis for a person with abysmally low attention span is termed as Attention Deficit Disorder ( ADD).
Now that I have adequately bored you ( and myself) with a talk on ‘ Boredom’ ( talk about irony!) , I think its time to say Adios.
Ciao for now.
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