Is astrology truly the queen of sciences? Are what the stars apparently say about our lives true? Do positions of planets and stars during our birth determine the person that we are going to grow up to be? Are our destinies predetermined on sheets of paper documented by renown astrologers or do we build our own fates? Is the mysterious science of the cosmos valid or is it just a hoax that has been coming down through ages?
The reactions to these questions will be varied. Some will react strongly in favour, some will blatantly oppose while most will give hesitant responses agreeing that astrology is partially true but cannot be considered as the fundamental truth.
As for my views on the subject, I think stars are well… just stars. Bad patches in a persons life are in no way caused by the wrath of the stars and planets and therefore cannot be cured by wearing rings or plant roots. Similarly, the position of the sun, the moon and the planets cannot possibly determine the traits of a person. We read about different star signs in astrology books. We marvel at the accuracy of those paragraphs in describing our personalities. But the truth is, if we were not aware of our sunsigns and started reading personality descriptions of all the zodiac signs, we would be able to identify with each and every one of them.
In fact, if we analyse the situation, the stars ( or rather the interpretations made by self professed astro experts) are I some way guiding our lives. For example, I know I am an aquarian and I also know that I am supposed to be unpredictable, eccentric, humanitarian and a rebel. I come across such descriptions many a time and it gradually gets embedded in my unconscious mind. And unconsciously I start displaying some of these traits. Its all mind play.
If you’ve read all the articles I have posted on my blog, you must have come across one in which I blatantly proclaim that I am an astrology freak. While reading this article you might even accuse me of being hypocritical since I am now so blatantly against the whole thing. In that post I have made it pretty clear that astrology is only one of my innumerable pastimes. It is indeed an interesting and amusing way to spend time. But that does not mean I believe in every word that it says. I am the third group of people that I described who believe in it to some extent, not because they think it is the ultimate science but because they are human after all and are responsive to anything that is unknown. In fact every person no matter how sceptical they are will respond to any prediction because astrology plays with the mind. You might think astrology’s crap, but if some mystic tells you that you’re going to have a real bad patch ahead you will spend some sleepless nights over it no matter how sceptical you are.
The case with me is pretty much that. Predictions do affect me but not enough to drive me to wear gemstones and holy roots. Moreover, if wearing a moonstone ring gives a person more confidence then what’s the harm. If a person feels more secure wearing some weird plant root, then let him, we should no have any problems. Its all in the mind folks, and as one of my acquaintances frequently says, “ What’s there?”
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