Rahul Mahajan’s antics have been hogging the headlines for quite some time now. After Papa Mahajan’s murder, newspapers had splashed photos of his weeping family all over the front pages. His rather immobile facial features reminded one of freshly botoxed faces, but that of course we assumed was his way of dealing with grief. Dead silence in both words and expression. Just as the Mahajan family’s distraught faces faded into a small corner in the national section of the newspaper, and the BJP began having meetings of whether to give master Mahajan a membership in the youth wing, Rahul jumped into the spotlight again. Only this time he was in Apollo Hospital, in critical condition due to drug overdose, his friend dead. And so the drama began to unfold. First there were hushed murmurs about Rahul’s supposed cocaine intake. No one could state the fact categorically since the hospital claimed to have found no signs of cocaine in their blood test report. It was certain though that Vijay Moitra’s death had been through drug overdose. A couple of other men were also involved, neither of whom had displayed any symptoms of drug intake. Quite mysteriously however, a second report from the hospital confirmed the presence of cocaine in Mahajan’s blood. The drama didn’t end there. Mahajan was arrested on charges of drug consumption and possession, drug dealing and tampering with evidence. All national dailies had at least five pictures of Rahul in his trademark white shirt blue jeans, either being led away from the hospital, or towards the police station etc.
Not surprising eh? With the ever multiplying number of high society brats, it would be foolish to be surprised or rather scandalised at such a revelation. While most of the orthodox minds will be rather peeved by the situation and call it blasphemous to the betterment of society, it should be noted that Rahul is no exception here. He simply is a representative of a certain class of elite urban youth that is slowly spreading to other parts of the country from its focal points Delhi and Mumbai. And while the BJP will have a hard time making up its mind about the Mahajan controversy, it will surely end with Rahul being ousted from their party’s growth plans since his tainted reputation will definitely tarnish BJPs image and wipe away a major chunk of the highly spiritual vote bank who had been voting for the Lotus due to their rigorous Hindutva campaigns and saffron propagandas. And while the younger Mahajan just sits and sulks, we the plebeians wander how anyone could throw away a multi million dollar career which had literally been handed to him on a silver platter. Some people just have more luck than brains.
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